Title: Betrothed – Glimpses of the Betrothal of Mary and Joseph
Published: 2018
Publisher: Intriguing Stories
Project Editor: Siobhán Prendergast, Dingle Publishing Services
Embark on a journey through time, before the birth of Jesus, to when His mother Mary was betrothed to a descendant of King David. After a thought-provoking and imaginative essay on what it meant for both Mary and Joseph, see up close the astonishing art that provides ‘glimpses’ of the betrothal that cannot but provoke awe and wonder.

“Siobhan offers a truly comprehensive service that shepherds a book-idea from its embryonic stage right through to when the finished product appears on the shelves. This encompassed all the big items like sourcing a suitable editor, designer and printer right down to the tiniest like how to get an ISBN number.
For a beginner, this was a great reassurance that a book project, once started, would indeed be brought to completion and it would be done well. In fact, ‘excellence’ was a by-word that characterised all stages of the process, a striving to achieve a professional standard in every aspect of producing a book.
The two way model for paying for the service—a flat fee or an hourly rate—was another important reassurance that costs would not explode, and that a reasonable estimate of the total outlay could be pinned down before one gives a green light to the whole project.
Siobhan was constantly available throughout the process and was well able to negotiate the inevitable hiccups along the road, knowing when to keep up pressure to meet deadlines and when to accommodate changes.”
Paraic Maher, Listowel
“A stunning book and a fantastic idea for a wedding gift. I loved this book. Firstly it is a beautiful produced work, extremely well thought out, edited, designed and printed. I was fascinated by the subject matter and stunned by the amazing collection of colour photographs. I have purchased another copy to give to my friend as a wedding gift. I can’t wait to see more from this author.”
Rebecca, Amazon.co.uk reader
“This is a splendid collection of 24 art presentations of the Betrothal of Mary and Joseph in stained glass windows. The design, lay-out, colour printing, physical production and photography of this book deserve nothing less than superlatives.”
Peter Costello, The Irish Catholic

Dingle Publishing Services, Árd na Caithne, Ballyferriter, Tralee, Co Kerry
Email: info@dinglepublishing.com • Tel: +353 89 483 3793