Title: The Men and Women of the Anglo-Irish Treaty 1921
Editors: Fiona Murray and Emeritus Professor Eda Sagarra
Published: 2022
Publisher: Laurelmount Press
Project Editor: Siobhán Prendergast, Dingle Publishing Services
In October 1921 a delegation of men and women, nominated by Dáil Éireann, left Dublin to travel to London. Their mission: to meet the representatives of Great Britain and try to negotiate a peace treaty, which would put an end to centuries of conflict in Ireland. The book, written and edited by descendants of the Irish delegation, tells the human story of all those men and women behind the negotiations in London 100 years ago – many of whom are largely unknown today. The book includes the important role played by women in the negotiations and the ancillary staff from the intelligence staff to the Irish cook to the dispatch carriers.
Fiona Murray of Cork City is the granddaughter of Judge Diarmaid Fawsitt, is a UCC graduate in French and English and holds an MA (NUI) in old and Middle English. She spent her career mainly in education, first as a secondary school teacher and then as an Examinations and Assessment Manager with the Irish State Examinations Commission. In pursuit of her life long interest in history, she enrolled as a graduate student at Jesus College Oxford and in 2021 was awarded her Masters in Historical Studies by the University of Oxford.
Professor Eda Sagarra, FTCD, MRIA, of Tyrone and Cork parentage, is a granddaughter of T.A. Smiddy. A UCD graduate of history and German (MA, NUI), she studied at Freiburg i.B, Zurich and Vienna (DPhil). A lecturer in Manchester University (1958–75), she was appointed to the chair of German at Trinity College Dublin in 1975 (MA, Litt. D., DU) and has published widely on modern German literature and history. She is the former Pro-Chancellor of Dublin University and founding chair of the Irish Research Council for the Humanities and Social Sciences.
This commemorative edition of the book will be gifted to libraries and universities in Ireland as well as to Dáil Éireann, Dublin and the House of Commons in Westminister, London.
Praise for The Men and Women of the Irish Treaty Delegation 1921
‘It is a work full of interest and insight, and charts the personalities and contributions of people both well-known and little known who contributed to the treaty negotiations. Their descendants have created a fitting tribute to the dedication and public service of those delegates.’
British Ambassador to Ireland, Mr Paul Johnston
‘A well-researched, engaging and inclusive collection.’
Minister for Defence, Mr Simon Coveney T.D.
‘A fascinating and original study of the Treaty and the members of the delegation’
Dr Deirdre McMahon
‘This volume is a welcome appreciation of those behind the scenes who did much to help the Treaty negotiators and a reflection of the complexities involved.’
Professor Colum Kenny
Dingle Publishing Services, Árd na Caithne, Ballyferriter, Tralee, Co Kerry
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